How Your Own Self-Permission Gives Others The Permission Too, The Power In Leading By Example
How would you show up differently if you knew your own courage encouraged others to be courageous too? This is the power of leading by...
How Your Own Self-Permission Gives Others The Permission Too, The Power In Leading By Example
Here's Your Permission To Dream Big
Healing my Lineage Line and Creating a New Paradigm, "I am Encouraged to Speak My Preferences"
Eclipse & New Moon In Scorpio Manifestation and Tapping Workshop 10/25/22 | 12:00 - 1:15 pm (PST)
Manifest Today With The Power of Lion's Gate 8/8
Emotions Are Neither Bad or Good
Reclaim your Self-Esteem, Confidence, and Personal Power.
I Admit, Deep Down I'm Controlling
How Do You Sit With Your Inner Critic? What Resists Persists.
Change is Uncomfortable
Cancellations can SUCK, Or do they...?